Hearing Aids

There is a wide assortment of styles and technologies available in hearing aids today. The type that is most suitable for you is determined by your degree of hearing loss and your lifestyle. After a complete hearing test, you and your hearing health care provider will discuss the various options that would work the best for you.

Hearing Aid

Latest in hearing aid technology

The revolutionary WIDEX MOMENT™ changes the game to deliver the most pure, natural sound ever. Typically, sound processed in a hearing aid reaches the eardrum later than sound heard directly. And when these two ‘out of sync’ signals mix, you get an artificial sound.

Type of Hearing Aids

Hearing Clinic Group Hamilton Hearing Clinic has been serving the mountain area for the past couple of years. Our hearing aid specialist has 20 years of experience with serving clients and manufacturing experience here and in the Toronto area.

Open Fit

Hearing Aid

Open fit hearing aids are small devices placed behind the ear with a slim tube attached to the device and inserted down the ear canal. They are non-occluding. This style is good for people with a high frequency hearing loss or mild to moderate hearing loss. They help you hear better when background noise is present.

Open Fit

Hearing Aid

Open fit hearing aids are small devices placed behind the ear with a slim tube attached to the device and inserted down the ear canal. They are non-occluding. This style is good for people with a high frequency hearing loss or mild to moderate hearing loss. They help you hear better when background noise is present.

Open Fit

Hearing Aid

Open fit hearing aids are small devices placed behind the ear with a slim tube attached to the device and inserted down the ear canal. They are non-occluding. This style is good for people with a high frequency hearing loss or mild to moderate hearing loss. They help you hear better when background noise is present.

Open Fit

Hearing Aid

Open fit hearing aids are small devices placed behind the ear with a slim tube attached to the device and inserted down the ear canal. They are non-occluding. This style is good for people with a high frequency hearing loss or mild to moderate hearing loss. They help you hear better when background noise is present.

Open Fit

Hearing Aid

Open fit hearing aids are small devices placed behind the ear with a slim tube attached to the device and inserted down the ear canal. They are non-occluding. This style is good for people with a high frequency hearing loss or mild to moderate hearing loss. They help you hear better when background noise is present.

Open Fit

Hearing Aid

Open fit hearing aids are small devices placed behind the ear with a slim tube attached to the device and inserted down the ear canal. They are non-occluding. This style is good for people with a high frequency hearing loss or mild to moderate hearing loss. They help you hear better when background noise is present.

Assistive listening device and accessories

There are four types of hearing loss; Conductive, Sensorineural, Mixed and Central. If any part of the hearing system is unable to function the result is hearing loss.

Panasonic landline phone
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